We are called to be a hope-filled, inclusive community of faith that is rooted in worship and offering the light of Christ through compassionate service.


General Fund & more



Fridays at 12:10 PM (Book of Common Prayer),

Sundays at 8 AM (Book of Common Prayer) and 10 AM (Book of Alternative Services with music). 


St. Alban’s is an Anglican Lutheran congregation in the Diocese of Rupert’s Land located in downtown Kenora, Ontario.  

We give thanks for the search process that has led The Rev. Dr. Lee Domenick to serve as St. Alban’s next Incumbent. We pray that God’s wisdom, strength and grace will guide him and his husband Jeff as they prepare to say good-bye to their parish in Tulsa and begin the journey that will lead them to Kenora. We pray that their travels will be safe. We pray also for St. Alban’s as we prepare for this new chapter in the life we share.  Amen.


We are called to be a hope-filled, inclusive community of faith that is rooted in worship and offering the light of Christ through compassionate service.


To love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and love our neighbours as ourselves. Through worship, and in thanksgiving to God, we strive to seek God’s will and be the hands of Christ in reaching out and forming partnerships with our neighbours at home and abroad.


An Affirming Parish is one that – with God’s help – respects the dignity of every human being through: openly welcoming all people, recognizing that all people are a gift of God, creating a safe space for everyone, celebrating God’s gift of diversity, and where possible “seeking justice, loving kindness and walking humbly with our God”.


St. Alban’s has chosen to be identified as an affirming parish. The process which led to this affirmation included a review of the decision made at General Synod in 2016 along with an opportunity for reflection, primarily through a variety of Bible studies. 

Each individual member is at their own place along this affirmation journey.  Recognizing and understanding the importance of becoming an affirming parish, this worthy work-in-progress continues. 

Church Office Hours

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9-1

Click: https://www.facebook.com/groups/139967139511722/  


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