
Music is a highly valued and supported liturgical ministry at St Alban’s, with the mixed voice choir leading the music during the 10am worship. The Music Director meets regularly as part of the Worship Planning Team, reviewing the liturgy and planning music for worship and events.
Liturgical music includes selections from masses by Margaret Rizza and various Anglican and Lutheran liturgical resources. Cantors provide leadership for the music and psalms. The psalms settings include Anglican Chant, plainsong and responsorial settings. Congregational hymns are primarily chosen from the Anglican hymn book Common Praise and the Lutheran hymnal Evangelical Lutheran Worship. On occasion the choir presents anthems, particularly during holidays or special services of the liturgical year.
Our music is also enriched by the inclusion of a variety of instruments:
- a 3-manual Allen Digital Organ,
- an upright Yamaha piano,
- and occasionally: flute, French horn, harp, guitar, and a single hand drum