Volunteering with the Altar Guild

Many years ago, the clergy appointed members of the Altar Guild but today the Guild is open to any parishioner interested in serving in this important area. No special training is required. New members are paired with experienced ones until they feel comfortable and always work as part of team. New members are also given an Altar Guild Manual to help guide them.
Each team is responsible for one week per month and will prepare the church for each of three weekly services held Friday noon, Sunday at 8:00 a.m. and at 10:00 a.m.
Three times a year all the teams come together as one to decorate the church for Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas. At Easter, they will give the church a thorough cleaning and will also wash and polish all items associated with the Eucharist, as well as the brass vases used for flowers.
Click here for more information about the Altar Guild.
If you would be interested in joining one of our weekly teams, feel free to call Lesley Fox at 466-2784 or email [email protected].